CELEBRATION OF THE FEAST DAY OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL - 06/29/23 CELEBRATION OF THE FEAST DAY OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL: On June 28 and June 29, 2023, Vespers with Litya and Blessing of Loaves and Divine Liturgy were celebrated at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn for the Feast of Saints Peter & Paul. The celebrant was Rev. Fr. John M. Black. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.)
(4 images) Celebration of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 06/24/23 NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: On June 23 and June 24, Vespers and Liturgy were celebrated at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn for the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The celebrants for Liturgy were Rev. Fr. John M. Black and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (6 images) Holy Pentecost at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 06/04/23 Divine Liturgy and Vespers with Kneeling Prayers for Holy Pentecost at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA: Fr. John Black was the main celebrant, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, June 4, 2023. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (4 images) MEMORIAL PANIKHIDA SERVED AT ST. MICHAEL'S IN JERMYN - 05/28/23 A Memorial Panikhida was served by Father Mikel Hill at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn for members of the Church who made the ultimate patriotic sacrifice in World War II and the Korean War. Members of the choir sang the service. Parishioners and veterans who served our country attended. Memory Eternal! Вечная Память! Вічна пам'ять! (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (5 images) Archpriest John and Mat. Kathy
PRESENTATION OF ICON TO FR. JOHN KOWALCZYK & MATUSHKA KATHY, AND REMEMBRANCES - 05/21/23 The Parish Family at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, in loving appreciation of his 38 years of Pastoral care, presented an original Icon of Archangel Michael with the image of St. Michael's Church to Fr. John Kowalczyk at a farewell dinner held in his honor at Nikki’s at the Ben-Mar Restaurant in Carbondale, following his final Divine Liturgy at St. Michael's on May 21, 2023. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (13 images) FAREWELL DINNER FOR FR. JOHN KOWALCZYK & MATUSHKA KATH - 05/21/23 Father John Kowalczyk served his final Divine Liturgy at St. Michael's Church in Jermyn on May 21, 2023, after 38 years as Pastor of St. Michael's. Fr. John has accepted a full-time position at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary. To celebrate his new position and wish him well as he concluded his Pastoral Service at St. Michael's, a Farewell Dinner was held at Nikki’s at the Ben-Mar Restaurant in Carbondale at noon. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (7 images) FR. JOHN KOWALCZYK'S FINAL LITURGY AT ST. MICHAEL'S IN JERMYN - 05/21/23 After 38 years as Pastor of St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, Fr. John Kowalczyk served his final Divine Liturgy at St. Michael's on May 21, 2023. He has accepted a full-time position at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Following the Divine Liturgy, a Farewell Dinner was held at Nikki’s at the Ben-Mar Restaurant in Carbondale, PA. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (8 images) Pascha at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 04/16/23 Paschal Liturgy at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA: Fr. John Black was the main celebrant, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, April 16, 2023. After the Liturgy, Paschal foods were blessed in the lower level. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (10 images) Holy Week at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 04/15/23 Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, served the Holy Thursday Reading of the 12 Passion Gospels, April 13, 2023, and Holy Friday Vespers and Procession with the Holy Shroud (Plaschanitsa), April 14, 2023, at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (7 images) Palm Sunday at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 04/09/23 Palm Sunday (Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem) was celebrated at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, on April 9, 2023. Very Rev. John Kowalczyk was the main celebrant, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. (5 images) Sunday of the Cross at St. Michael's on Jermyn - 03/19/23 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA celebrated Divine Liturgy for Lenten Sunday of the Cross and installed new Members of the Church Council and St. Mary's Altar Society, March 19, 2023. Very Rev. John Kowalczyk read the oath of office and prayer for the new officers. We wish them Many Blessed Years! (3 images) Blessing of Koliva at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 03/05/23 Koliva, in commemoration of the Miracle of St. Theodore the Recruit, was blessed at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, on March 5, 2023. Very Rev. John Kowalczyk served Divine Liturgy, assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak and Altar Servers. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (4 images) Pre-Lenten dinner at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 02/12/23 St. Michael's in Jermyn, Pa. - an active and loving Church Community! Following Divine Liturgy on February 12, 2023, our parishioners shared a pot-luck Pre-Lenten dinner with all. Very Rev. John Kowaczyk is Pastor. Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak distributed icons of the Theotokos that he had obtained on one of his many trips to our Sister-Church in Ukraine. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (4 images) Theophany at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 01/06/23 The Feast of Theophany was celebrated on January 6, 2023, at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, with Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water. Very Rev. John Kowalczyk was the main celebrant, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (6 images) Christmas at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 12/25/22 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, celebrated Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ on Sunday, December 25, 2022. Fr. John Kowalczyk was the main celebrant, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (10 images) St. Nicholas Day at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 12/06/22 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn celebrated Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Nicholas of Myra & Lycia on Tuesday, December 6. Fr. John Kowalczyk was the main celebrant, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. (4 images) Photos from Christmas in September at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 09/25/22 THANK YOU to everyone who supported our St. Michael's in Jermyn "Christmas in September" Festival and Car Show on Saturday, September 24 and Sunday, September 25 at St. Michael’s Center in Jermyn, PA. We appreciate our Kitchen Crew, Vendors, Car Show participants, Sponsors, Donors and behind-the-scenes Workers who helped to make our Festival a success. (13 images) Elevation of the Cross at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 09/14/22 Elevation of the Life-giving Cross, at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, Pennsylvania, September 14, 2022. (1 images) Dormition at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 08/15/22 Divine Liturgy for the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary was served, followed by the blessing of fresh flowers and herbs by Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, August 15, 2022. (5 images) Deacon Herman Belt speaks on Stewardship at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 07/31/22 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, extended a warm welcome to Rev. Fr. Deacon Herman Belt who is working on a summer internship with Fr. John Kowalczyk at SCI Waymart, St. Tikhon’s Monastery, and St. Michael's Parish. Deacon Herman spoke during Coffee hour, presenting a talk on how to Biblically support the Church, addressing the questions: "What is stewardship?" and "How does Tithing help us understand our relationship with Christ?" (5 images) OFFERING IN MEMORY OF ROBERT A. FURIOSI - 07/17/22 At St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, blessed the recently re-gilded Processional Cross at the Sunday morning Liturgy on July 17, 2022. This offering was given by Reader Vladimir Kitchura and Melanie Kitchura Furiosi, in loving memory of Robert R.A. Furiosi. May his memory be eternal! (3 images) Pentecost at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 06/12/22 Pentecost (Green Sunday) 2022 at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA: Morning Liturgy was served by Very Rev. John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, followed by Vespers with Kneeling Prayers. A Panikhida at St. Michael's Cemetery was served in the afternoon, commemorating deceased parishioners. Responses were sung by Lydia Given, St. Tikhon's Seminary Graduate Brad Given, and Dorothy Allen. Graves were blessed after the Panikhida. (7 images) May 22nd visit of Abp. Mark to St. Michael's in Jermyn - 05/22/22 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn welcomed Archbishop Mark on his Archpastoral visitation on Sunday, May 22, 2022 for the Divine Liturgy. An Agape Luncheon prepared by the Parishioners was held in the church basement following the Liturgy. (8 images) Blessing of Paschal food baskets followed the Paschal Liturgy at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, April 24, 2022 - 04/24/22 (6 images) Paschal Liturgy at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, April 24, 2022 - 04/24/22 (9 images) Nocturns Procession and Resurrection at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, April 23, 2022 - 04/23/22 (5 images) Great and Holy Friday at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, April 22, 2022 - 04/22/22 (9 images) Palm Sunday at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 04/17/22 The service of the Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem began with the blessing of palms and willows by Father John Kowalczyk, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, followed by the Divine Liturgy. (7 images) FR. JOHN BLESSES LENTEN RELIEF ITEMS FOR UKRAINE - 04/10/22 St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, reached out during Great Lent in helping the suffering refugees in the Ukraine. Every week, Parishioners brought items needed for these special displaced Ukrainian women and children. On Sunday, April 10, following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, a special blessing was offered by Fr. John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak for the huge amount of items collected, which included the following: 200 new pairs of shoes and sneakers, baby formula, baby food, diapers, wipes, soap, toothbrushes & toothpaste, children's Tylenol and adult Tylenol, sleeping bags, linens, crayons, small toys, winter clothing, first aid supplies, non-perishable food, dry cereal, Ramen soups, and much more. The items were transported by parishioners in trucks on Tuesday evening, April 12, to Scranton for packaging and will be sent to the Ukraine in time for Pascha. In addition, $3,000.00 will be wired to benefit displaced orphans in the Ukraine. We give a special thank you to Susan Schlasta for all her help in organizing this project. (5 images) Baking of Pascha breads at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 04/12/22 The dedicated crew of St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn baked Pascha (Easter) breads on April 11 and 12, 2022. The Easter Foods orders were taken until April 7. Persons who have placed orders can pick up their orders on Wednesday, April 13, from 12 to 4 p.m. at St. Michael's Center, 403 Delaware Street, Jermyn, PA 18411. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (8 images) Presanctified Liturgy at St Michael's in Jermyn - 03/30/22 A Wednesday evening Presanctified Liturgy was held at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, on March 30, 2022. Very Rev. John Kowalczyk officiated, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. Reader Bill Dubee and Maryann Dubee led the choir. A Lenten meal was served after the service. (7 images) Sunday of the Cross Lenten Mission Service at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 03/27/22 The Sunday of the Cross Lenten Mission Vesper Service was held at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, on March 27, 2022. A number of Clergy from the Diocese concelebrated with Fr. John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. Lydia Given directed the choir which included guest singers, several Seminarians from St. Tikhon's Seminary and their wives, and the members of St. Michael's Choir. A Lenten meal was offered to all in the church basement following the service. (15 images) Blessing Koliva at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 03/13/22 On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, March 13, 2022, Father John Kowalczyk, assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, blessed Koliva (also called Kutya) in honor of St. Theodore Tyro, commemorated on Saturday, March 12. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (4 images) PSP Training at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 02/21/22 PSP Training for Church Committee Members was held on Monday, February 21 at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pa. The training workshop was presented by Susan G. Schlasta, a licensed professional social worker who holds a Doctoral degree. Very Rev. John Kowalczyk is the Pastor. A light meal was served in the Church basement. (PSP, in brief, stands for Policies, Standards, and Procedures in regard to proper conduct of volunteers who work with youth.) (3 images) Melanie Ringa Honored - 02/13/22 Melanie Ringa was presented with a beautiful set of icons by Very Rev. John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, on behalf of the Church Council and the Parishioners of St. Michael's Orthodox Church who congratulate her on retirement as CFO of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary. She also served as Treasurer of the Orthodox Church in America from 2009 to 2019. St. Michael's in Jermyn is Melanie's "home parish" where she frequently sings in the Choir and serves as Guest Director. May God grant Melanie many years in her retirement! (3 images) Installation of Committee at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 01/16/22 Installation of St. Michael's Orthodox Church Council & St. Michael’s Center Committee for 2022 took place on Sunday, January 16, 2022. May our Lord bless them for many years! (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (2 images) Christmas at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 12/25/21 The Nativity of Christ at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, 2021. Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, Pastor; Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak; Lydia Given, Choir Director. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (12 images) ST. MICHAEL'S IN JERMYN CAR SHOW & FESTIVAL A SUCCESS - 09/26/21 A sincere "thank you" to everyone who contributed to the St. Michael's Car Show and Parish Festival held on September 26, 2021. Your participation and patronage helped greatly to make the event a success! May God grant you Many Years! (6 images) Dormition at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 08/15/21 BLESSING OF FLOWERS 2021 - At St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, parishioners brought flowers on August 15, to honor the Dormition of the Theotokos, the Ever Virgin Mary. After the Divine Liturgy, the flowers were blessed by Very Rev. John Kowalczyk with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (4 images) ST. MICHAEL'S SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED - 07/04/21 Very Rev. John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, St. Michael's Scholarship coordinator, congratulate our 2021 St. Michael's Scholarship recipients: Calvin John Hoehle, who graduated from Lakeland High School, Scott Township, PA; and Thomas Kravetsky, who graduated from Hancock Central High School, Hancock, NY. They both are Altar Servers at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA. (3 images) SUCCESSFUL BBQ FUNDRAISER - 06/27/21 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn held our first social event since the Pandemic: a Chicken & Rib BBQ Dinner held at St. Michael's Center and co-sponsored by St. Michael's Church & Windsor Inn. With more than 300 dinners sold, the event was a huge success. We thank the workers, patrons, and everyone who supported the event. (7 images) Pentecost - 06/20/21 PENTECOST: The Descent of the Holy Spirit, at Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, June 20, 2021. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. (5 images) Memorial Day - 05/31/21 On Sunday, May 30, 2021, Fr. John Kowalczyk, assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak and our Altar Servers, served a Parastas for the departed soldiers of St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, sponsored by St. Michael's Vets. Memory Eternal! (1 images) PASCHAL SERVICES at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, May 1st and 2nd, 2021. - 05/02/21 The services were conducted by Very Rev. John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, with Subdeacon Vladimir Kitchura and Altar Servers. The Choir was directed by Lydia Given. Paschal Foods were blessed after the Liturgy. (15 images) GREAT AND HOLY FRIDAY at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, April 30, 2021 - 04/30/21 (8 images) Palm Sunday, April 25, 2021, at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA: Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, blessed Palms and Willows. - 04/25/21 (5 images) Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop Mark - 04/18/21 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Mark on April 18, 2021, on the 5th Sunday of Great Lent: Commemoration of St. Mary of Egypt. Participating clergy included His Eminence Archbishop Mark, Very Reverend John Kowalczyk, Father Michael Shepherd, and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. The responses were sung by St. Michael's Choir and guests from St. Tikhon's Seminary. (12 images) Mid-Lent, the Sunday of the Cross, April 4, 2021, at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA - 04/04/21 (1 images) THEOPHANY 2021 - 01/06/21 Great Blessing of Water by Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (5 images) New Hand-made Silver Spear - 01/03/21 On Sunday, January 3, following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, Fr. John Kowalczyk blessed a new hand-made silver spear, imported from Russia, offered in loving memory of Robert Furiosi, purchased by Vladimir Kitchura, (brother-in-law of departed Robert). May Robert's memory be eternal! (3 images) Christmas Liturgy at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 12/25/20 Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ, 2020, at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, Very Reverend John Kowalczyk, Pastor. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (8 images) Photos of Patronal Feast Day at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 11/08/20 Celebration of Divine Liturgy for our Patronal Feast Day of Holy Archangel Michael at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, November 8, 2020. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (4 images) BLESSING OF FLOWERS AT ST. MICHAEL'S ORTHODOX CHURCH IN JERMYN for THE DORMITION 2020 - 08/15/20 Father John Kowalczyk, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, blessed flowers at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, in observance of the tradition for the Dormition of the Theotokos (the Mother of God). (4 images) SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATION TO ISABEL BEKELE - 08/09/20 Congratulations to Isabel Bekele in graduating this year from Scranton Preparatory School. Isabel was presented the St. Michael's Scholarship by Father John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, the Coordinator of the Scholarship Fund, on Sunday, August 9, 2020. Isabel will be attending Syracuse University in September. Her proud parents are Dr. Tamrat and Nardos Bekele. May our Lord grant her many blessed years! (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (2 images) BLESSING OF FRUIT at ST. MICHAEL'S IN JERMYN for TRANSFIGURATION 2020 - 08/06/20 Father John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, assisted by Altar Servers, blessed fruit at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, in observance of the tradition for the Transfiguration of Christ. (4 images) Graduate Scholarship awarded at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 07/05/20 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn congratulates Nicole Melesky in receiving the St. Michael’s Scholarship on July 5, 2020. The Scholarship was presented to Nicole by Father John Kowalczyk. The coordinator of St. Michael's Scholarship Committee is Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. Nicole is a 2020 graduate of Scranton Preparatory School and will be attending Drexel Medical College School of Nursing. May our Lord continue to bless her for many years! (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (2 images) Pentecost at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, June 7, 2020 - 06/07/20 (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (4 images) BLESSING OF KOLIVA AT ST. MICHAEL'S IN JERMYN, LENT 2020 - 03/08/20 Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, blessed Koliva in honor of St. Theodore the Recruit, March 8, 2020, at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA. The Koliva was prepared and offered by Matushka Kathy Kowalczyk. (3 images) Fr. John Kowalczyk delivers workshop at Drexel Medical College - 12/04/19 For the third year in a row, Fr. John Kowalczyk gave a three hour workshop at the Drexel Medical College 27th Forensic Conference, held on Wednesday, December 4th 2019. Fr. John Kowalczyk stated the following: “Working with mentally ill inmates who are in the (RHU) Restricted Housing Unit or Solitary Confinement, one will be confronted with inmates who have been isolated from the normal prison setting.” Fr. Kowalczyk stated, “One has to minister with compassion and unconditional positive regard with an open heart and become an instrument in restoring his humanity with kindness and dignity. This restoration will aid and help restore purpose, direction and meaning into his already broken life.” Fr. John has been involved in this “Out-of-Cell” program with inmates for the past five years in SCI Waymart. During the Three Hour Workshop, Fr. John made the following five educational objectives:
(2 images) Theophany at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 01/06/20 2020 Theophany at St. Michael's Church, Jermyn, PA: Very Rev. David Hester, with Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, at the Great Blessing of the Water. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (3 images) St. Michael’s in Jermyn reaches out to the poor for Christmas - 12/25/19 Archbishop Mark gave our Church a mandate to work from, by saying: “If you take from the community, you must also give back to the community.” For the seventh year in a row, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church, under the spiritual direction of their Pastor, Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, and the out-reach coordinator, Susan Schlasta, reached out a few weeks before Christmas to the poor and needy in the Jermyn area. A collection was taken totaling $1,600 and was used to, in the name of the new-born Savior, bring joy to those who are suffering economically. In addition to this offering, Patricia Cadwalader, a member our Church and a teacher at the DePaul School, and another teacher Suzanne Rickard, provided approximately 200 pairs of socks and three large carloads of food that assisted many people, and Debbie Bernosky, also a parishioner, joined in donating outfits and toys. What made this Christmas outreach special was that everyone who requested food or gifts were provided them, including a request from a parishioner to assist a single parent with medical issues raising a special needs child, single grandparents raising grandchildren, single parents raising children, and young adult children raising siblings after the loss of their parents. Gifts and food was provided to many in a wide area surrounding our Church. Gas cards were provided for working parents to get to and from work. Sneakers, toys, clothes, cash, and food were provided to many. Many families expressed gratitude for the kindness of the parishioners of St. Michael’s, saying they wouldn’t have had a Christmas without our generosity. With each family receiving gifts, a Christmas card was provided that was signed from the parishioners of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church. (5 images) Special Olympics a Special Blessing to St. Michael's Church in Jermyn - 11/23/19 On Saturday, November 23rd, "The Special Olympics of Northeastern Pennsylvania" held a festive banquet at St. Michael's Center in Jermyn. A check of $250.00 was presented to Special Olympics from the Community Bank in Jermyn, by the Bank President, John Peterson, in recognition of the work in being done to help those who have special needs. Seven years ago, this chapter of "Special Olympics" found a home at St. Michael's Orthodox Church and permission was granted for this organization to use St. Michael's Center, and the field for all their activities. Fr. John Kowalczyk stated, "We consider this organization as a Special Blessing to our Parish Community." (5 images) Carpatho-Rusyn event at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 11/23/19 WINTER IN THE CARPATHIAN MOUNTIANS The event began with a complimentary breakfast, followed by an introduction by Sharon Jarrow, President of the Eastern PA Chapter. A lecture presented by Bonnie Burke, Carpatho-Rusyn Society Southeastern Branch Coordinator, covered the period between St. Philip's Fast and the Feast of the Resurrection, through digitalized historical photos and discussion. Topics included how the Carpatho-Rusyn peoples stayed warm during the long cold winters, the clothing they wore, foods they ate, and activities they pursued during the winter months. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura and Dorothy Allen) (9 images) St. Michael's in Jermyn celebrates 110th Anniversary - 11/10/19 St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, celebrated our 110 Anniversary of founding with a Liturgy honoring Archangel Michael, and an annual celebratory turkey dinner was held on November 10, 2019. A cake in celebration of the event was cut by Council President Stephen Franchak and several couples who celebrated their wedding anniversaries in the month of November. May God grant them Many Years! (10 images) President of St. Michael's Church in Jermyn celebrates 90 years - 10/20/19 St. Michael's Orthodox Church President, Stephen Franchak, celebrated his 90th birthday and his wedding anniversary to his wife, Rose, on October 20, 2019. Father John Kowalczyk blessed them and the choir sang Many Years! (3 images) The 10th Annual Parish Festival at St. Michael's in Jermyn Has Record Attendance - 09/29/19 The 10th Annual Parish Festival and Classic Car Show was held at St. Michael's Center in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, beginning on Friday, September 27 until Sunday, September 29. Each day of the Festival was greeted with warm sunny weather and gentle breezes. We had 25 vendors, from icons and many ecclesiastical items, to flower arrangements, hand-made soaps, paintings and much more. We also had 101 theme baskets, a dessert table, and ethnic and traditional food. On Friday evening, September 27th, we were entertained by the "Faith Ann Liuzzo School of Dance" and hundreds of people made their way to be with us from 4 p.m. To 8 p.m. Fr. John gave tours of the Church during the entire weekend. Saturday, September 28th began at 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. Once again, it was a record turnout with hundreds of people attending our Festival. On Sunday, September 29th, the morning Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. was filled with many visitors. The formal program began at 1:00 p.m. with Fr. John opening with a prayer and Bill Dubee singing "God Bless America" to the approximately 1,300 people who had gathered on the sprawling grounds of St. Michael's Center, which included 202 registered classic cars. Trophies were given out to the lucky winners and people enjoyed great food and fellowship for the rest of the day. (30 images) St. Michael's in Jermyn Liturgy and Reception for Summer Interns - 08/25/19 MICHAEL'S ORTHODOX CHURCH IN JERMYN, PA, celebrated Liturgy, followed by a Reception, for our Summer Interns from St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, on August 25, 2019, their final day serving at St. Michael's in Jermyn prior to the start of the fall semester. Photos include: Seminarian Peter Simko reading the Hours; Seminarian James Latimer directing the Choir; Seminarian Matthew McDonald blessed by Father John Kowalczyk in thanks for serving in the Altar; Seminarian Peter Simko awarded a stipend from the Church in gratitude for conducting the Choir for Liturgies and rehearsals; Seminarian James Latimer awarded a stipend from the Church in gratitude for conducting the Choir for Liturgies and rehearsals; George Petorak and Father John Kowalczyk presenting an Icon to Altar Server Patrick Krenitsky who is leaving to serve in the U.S. military; Father John Kowalczyk assisted by Seminarian Matthew McDonald leading prayer for safe travel as frequent guest parishioner Yelena travels to her home in Moscow, Russia; the Cake at the Reception; Seminarian James Latimer cuting the cake at the Reception; Father John Kowalczyk, Seminarians, Parishioners, and guests at the Reception; George Petorak and Seminarian Peter Simko presenting a cupcake to Seminarian James Latimer who celebrated his Birthday on August 25, 2019, in conjunction with the final day with our summer Interns from STOTS. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (18 images) Hawaiian Iveron Icon Visits St. Michael's - 05/27/19 On the evening of May 27, 2019, the Hawaiian Iveron Icon visited St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA. The caretaker of the famous myrrh-streaming icon, Subdeacon Nektarios, told the history if the icon and the numerous miracles of healing by the Theotokos to those anointed with the myrrh of the icon. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (6 images) Veterans Memorial Service - 05/26/19 A Parastas to honor the members of St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, who made the ultimate sacrifice in World War II was observed on Sunday, May 26, 2019, sponsored by the St. Michael's Vets club at the Church's permanent outdoor Veterans Memorial. (8 images) CELEBRATION OF PASCHA 2019 at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA - 04/28/19 (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (14 images) Palm Sunday at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn - 04/21/19 The 2019 celebration of the Feast of Christ’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, (Palm Sunday), at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, Pa. (10 images) Pascha-Making at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 04/20/19 Making Pascha (Easter Bread) at St. Michael's Center of St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pa. More than 550 Pascha Breads were made in two days. We had a lot of help this year. Thank you to everyone who participated! (6 images) Archbishop Mark's Lenten Archpastoral visit to St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, April 7, 2019 - 04/07/19 (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (13 images) March For Life - 01/18/19 Father John Kowalczyk participated in the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 18, 2019. (6 images) Theophany at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 01/06/19 Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, attended by Subdeacon Vasily Gardecki, Subdeacon John Lasichak, and several Church members and Altar Servers, at the Great Blessing of Water at Theophany 2019 at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (5 images) Christmas 2018 at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 12/25/18 Christ is born! Glorify Him! Christmas greetings from Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, and the Subdeacons, Altar Servers, Readers, Choir, and Parishioners at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pennsylvania. (9 images) Fr. John Kowalczyk speaks at the Drexel Medical College and Forensic Rights Conference - 11/28/18 For the second year in a row, Fr. John Kowalczyk was invited by the Drexel Medical College and the Pennsylvania Forensic Rights and Treatment Conference. On Wednesday afternoon, November 28, Fr. John held a three and a half hour workshop dealing with "Family Losses and Working through Bereavement and Losses in General." (2 images) Ethiopian Orthodox Coffee Ceremony - 10/21/18 An Ethiopian Orthodox Coffee Ceremony was held following Divine Liturgy at St. Michael's Orthodox Church on October 21, 2018. Nardos Bekele, wife of Dr. Tamrat Bekele, together with family members and friends, hosted this beautiful Ethiopian Orthodox Coffee Ceremony. Photos by Vladimir Kitchura (0 images) Archbishop Mark's Visit - 10/21/18 Archbishop Mark made an Archpastoral visit to St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA, on October 21, 2018. The parishioners and clergy pray that our Lord Jesus Christ continue to give good health to Archbishop Mark and bless him for Many Years. Photos by Vladimir Kitchura (6 images) St. Michael's in Jermyn Parish Festival - 09/30/18 St. Michael's Orthodox Church "Christmas in September" Parish Festival was a success. It was held at St.Michael's Center on Friday September 28, Saturday September 29, and Sunday September 30, 2018, and included home-made ethnic foods, vendor tables, entertainment, basket raffles, 50-50 raffle, and a car show on Sunday. Thank you to all who supported, participated and worked at the Festival. Photos by George Beregi and Vladimir Kitchura. (37 images) Blessing of New Vigil Light Holders - 08/26/18 Blessing of new vigil light holders, August 26, 2018, donated by Madilyn Chup in Memory of her husband Joseph Chup at the one-year anniversary of his repose. Memory Eternal! Photos by Vladimir Kitchura (3 images) Designer Purse Bingo - 08/26/18 St. Michael's kicked off our annual Parish Festival with an early event: a Designer Purse Bingo held on August 26, 2018. The event provided "seed money" for our main event: the annual Christmas in September Parish Festival, to be held September 28, 29, and 30, 2018. Details will be posted soon! Photos by Vladimir Kitchura (5 images) Graduation Scholarship Award Ceremony - 06/24/18 Father John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak and Graduates who were awarded the St. Michael’s Scholarship on June 24, 2018. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura) (5 images) Scholarships Awarded - 06/24/18 Congratulations to our Graduates: Danae Bertholf (Lakeland High School), Thomas Michael Cadwalader (Lakeland High School), Mikayla Lynn Kravetsky (Hancock Central School), Mark Melesky (Mid-Valley High School), Celine Twardzik (Lakeland High School), and Ryan Vaverchak (Lakeland High School) in being awarded the St. Michael’s Scholarship on June 24, 2018. May our Lord grant you Many Blessed Years! (6 images) Feast of All Saints of North America - 06/10/18 St. Michael's Orthodox Church choir, under the direction of Diana Brotschul, at the Liturgy for the Feast of All Saints of North America, June 10, 2018. (1 images) Vesper Mission held at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn for the 4th Sunday of Lent On Sunday evening, March 18th the Lenten Mission Vesper Service was held at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pennsylvania. The homily was delivered by Fr. Jason Franchak. The choir was under the direction of Prof. Michael Hritz. A Lenten meal was offered at St. Michael's Center and good fellowship followed. (4 images) OCPM Board Meeting February 2 - 02/02/18 The Biannual Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) Board Meeting was held on February 2nd, 2018, in Jacksonville, Florida. Archbishop Mark is the Episcopal Liaison for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in North America, and the Very Rev. John Kowalczyk is the Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors of OCPM. (2 images) THEOPHANY AND THE BLESSING OF WATER AT ST. MICHAEL'S IN JERMYN - 01/06/18 Theophany was celebrated at St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, beginning with Great Compline and Blessing of Water on the evening of Friday, January 5th; and celebration of Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Theophany on the morning of January 6th, with the Great Blessing of Water. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (5 images) CHRISTMAS AT ST. MICHAEL'S IN JERMYN - 12/25/17 The Nativity of Christ at St. Michael's in Jermyn was a blessed and joyous celebration that included the Parish's outreach to the community. In collaboration with Susan Schlasta, a parishioner who is a Social Worker, members of St. Michael's Parish donated a total of $1,500 to brighten the Christmas of 5 needy families. The donations were used to provide food, toys, and clothing to the 5 families that Susan Schlasta had identified. In addition to being a member of St. Michael's Church Council, Susan is the elected Diocesan Council representative to the Metropolitan Council. (3 images) Chrismation at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 11/12/17 HOCHLE CHILDREN CHRISMATION Anastasia, Alexander, and John Hochle were received into the Orthodox Church by Chrismation at St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, on November 12, 2017, Very Rev. John Kowalczyk officiating. Their parents are Francis and Kimberly Hochle. Godparents are Maryann and Bill Dubee. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (5 images) November visit of Hawaiian Icon to St. Michael's - 11/07/17 The Hawaiian Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was present in St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, on Tuesday, November 7th for the Eve of the Church's Patronal Feast of St. Michael and the Bodiless Hosts, for the 6:30 p.m. Great Vespers service, and was also present on Wednesday, November 8th, for the 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy, followed by a reception in the Church Basement for the Holy Myrrh-Gushing Icon and the Care-taker of the Holy Icon, Subdeacon Nektarius. (Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.) (5 images) St. Michael's in Jermyn Annual Dinner The Annual St. Michael's Day Dinner Celebration of St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, was held on Sunday, November 12th following the Divine Liturgy. The Dinner was held at St. Michael's Center. The profit generated from the dinner will go toward the St. Michael's Scholarship Fund. Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak and Susan Schlasta gave a slide presentation on their trip to the Ukraine and visit to St. Mary's Orthodox Church in Dubranich. In addition, the St. Michael's Church School held a bake sale and raffle of a rocking chair. The Church School teachers are Matushka Kathy Kowalczyk and Matushka Delores Petorak. (7 images) Ethiopian Orthodox Coffee Ceremony at St. Michael's in Jermyn - 11/05/17 An Ethiopian Orthodox Coffee Ceremony was held in the basement of the Church following the Divine Liturgy on November 5th, 2017. The Ceremony was sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Tamrat Bekele and presented by Mrs. Beckele and family. (5 images) Parish Festival Draws Record Crowd of Over 1,900 People - 09/24/17 The 8th Annual Parish Festival “Christmas in September and Car Show” was greeted with warm and sunny weather on Friday, September 24th through Sunday, September 24th. St. Michael's Center was filled with 22 vendors, over 124 theme baskets, a tempting dessert table with Holiday baked goods made by our parishioners, together with a Designer Purse Raffle. Home-made ethnic foods were offered during the entire weekend. On Saturday afternoon, “Faith Ann Liuzzo's School of Performing Arts” entertained hundreds of people. On Sunday, the day began with the Divine Liturgy filled with many visitors, and the choir was under the direction of Oleg Beljaeff. Over 190 Classic Cars were registered to win Special Trophies, and in the afternoon the famous 8 piece Jeffrey James Band entertained the record crowd of over 1,900 people who had come to support our Parish Festival. His Eminence, Archbishop Mark opened the Sunday program with a prayer, followed by the singing of "God Bless America" led by our cantor William Dubee. We give thanks to everyone who supported our Parish Festival as we embraced the greater community with our open hearts and hospitality. (30 images) Special Olympics Held at St. Michael's Center in Jermyn, Pennsylvania - 09/10/17 On Sunday afternoon, September 10th, the Special Olympics were greeted with sunny and warm weather at St. Michael's Center, in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, which was the setting for the Special Olympics Boccie Ball Tournament. St. Michael's Church has embraced the this special most-worthy organization as an integral part of the outreach ministry of our Church and has included them as part of the spiritual family at St. Michael's. St. Michael's Orthodox Church has opened its heart and sprawling property for the Special Olympics to have an opportunity to practice and challenge the many players in exercise and skill in the Boccie Ball Sport. Fr. John had the opportunity to bless the food prepared by St. Michael's Center and to present medals to the many winners. Fr. John stated: "To be with these special children and young adults was one of the highlights of my pastoral ministry, to say the Lord's Prayer together, sit and enjoy the food with them and present medals and see the joy they had, and the love reflected in their faces, will always remain with me. God Bless (4 images) Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak and parishioner Susan Schlasta traveled to Dubranich, Ukraine - 07/18/17 Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak made his 15th anniversary trip to our Sister Church, St. Mary’s Orthodox Church in Dubranich, Ukraine, on July 18. Parishioner Susan Schlasta traveled this year with Protodeacon Gabriel. The parishioners of St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn offered donations totaling $2,000 which were distributed our sister church and an orphanage run by St. Mary's as well as a nearby monastery. (15 images) Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak's Trip to Dubranich, Western Ukraine Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak will make his 15th anniversary trip to our Sister Church, St. Mary’s Orthodox Church in Dubranich, Western Ukraine, leaving on July 18. Traveling this year with Protodeacon Gabriel will be parishioner Susan Schlasta. May our Lord bless them and grant them both a safe journey. The parishioners of St. Michael's Orthodox Church offered donations totaling $2,000 to be distributed our sister church and an orphanage run by St. Mary's as well as a nearby monastery. Photos and an article about their trip will be posted upon their return. (4 images) St. Michael’s Scholarship - 06/25/17 St. Michael's Orthodox Church congratulations our Graduates: Karlee Vaverchak (Lakeland High School) and Morgan Ann Carney (North Pocono High School) in being awarded the St. Michael’s Scholarship on June 25, 2017. They were also presented with icons of the Theotokos. May our Lord grant them Many Blessed Years! [Photos by Vladimir Kitchura.] (5 images) Visit of the Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon - 06/18/17 The Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Iveron Mother of God visited St. Michael's Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA, on Father's Day, June 18, 2017, for Divine Liturgy. The icon was brought from Hawaii by Subdeacon Nektarios, who gave a talk about the history of the icon and distributed small amounts of the Myrrh that had flowed during the Liturgy, assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak, Subdeacon Vasily Gardecki, and Subdeacon John Edward Lasichak. Father John Kowalczyk anointed the people after the Liturgy, and Subdeacon Nektarios presented a replica of the icon to St. Michael's. (18 images) St. Michael’s Welcomes Archbishop MARK for Special Day - 04/09/17 On Sunday, April 9 2017, the Orthodox Faithful of St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Jermyn, PA welcomed His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, to Palm Sunday Services. His Eminence blessed the parish’s newly-installed stained-glass windows, and received Catechumen Alexis into the Orthodox Church. It was also the celebration of the 85th birthday of Mrs. Sophia Kowalczyk, mother of our dear Father John Kowalczyk. (21 images) Christmas in September Festival 2016
Fisher-Blondell Wedding
Fisher-Blondell Wedding - 06/11/16 Tamara Fisher and Michael Blondell were united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on June 11, 2016. May God grant them Many Years in health and happiness! (3 images) Baptism of Xenia Soroka
Baptism of Xenia Soroka - 06/05/16 Father John performed the Sacrament of Baptism and Chrismation for the infant Xenia Soroka on June 5, 2016. Her parents are Jeremy and Dorcas Soroka. (3 images) Babtism of Helena Lanfranca
Baptism of Helena Lanfranca - 03/26/16 Father John performed the Sacrament of Baptism and Chrismation for the infant Helena Mae Lanfranca on March 26, 2016. Parents are Amy Mae Allen and Joseph Lanfranca. The Godparents are Maryanne and Vasily Dubee, Sr. (4 images) Baptism of Dorcas Soroka
Baptism of Dorcas Soroka - 04/02/16 Father John performed the Sacrament of Baptism and Chrismation for Dorcas Soroka on April 2, 2016. May God grant her Many Years! (3 images) PRE LENTEN BREAKFAST
ST MARY'S SOCIETY SPONSORED THE FUNDRAISER - 02/21/16 Our Annual Pre-Lenten Breakfast Fundraiser was held following Divine Liturgy. St Mary's Altar Society hosted the breakfast. (43 images) OPEN HOUSE AT THE RECTORY
FATHER JOHN, MATUSHKA CATHY AND CHILDREN ARE HOSTS - 12/27/15 Another Joyful "Open House " was held this morning following Divine Liturgy. Everyone enjoyed it and Father Protodeacon Gabe led the singing on Christmas Carols. The feast was Fabulous. We thank Father John, Matushka and their Children Nicky and Sophia for their hospitality. Many Many Years to Them!!!!!!!!!! (28 images) SISTER ANNA VISITS
NUN FROM ST ELISABETH CONVENT IN BIELORUS GIVES PRESENTATION - 12/17/15 Sister Anna, a Nun from St Elisabeth Convent and Monastery in Bieloruss,Russia, visited us tonight. She gave a video presentation on the Monastery and the work the Nuns are doing. They give care to people with various problems and children left unwanted by there parents. Also the Nuns are famous for producing ver elaborate Canonical Icons and teach Iconography. Sister will be visting various Orthodox Parishes . (20 images) ARCHANGEL MICHAEL LITURGY
PATRONAL FEAST OF OUR CHURCH - 11/08/15 Our Patronal Feast was observed with Divine Liturgy served by Fathers Kowalczyk , Dan Gyza ,our Guest and Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak. A Festive Buffet was held at St Michael's Center. Holy Archangel Michael and All the Bodiless Hosts Pray For Us! (57 images) FATHER VASILI SERVES HIS FIRE DIVINE LITURGY
FIRST DIVINE LITURGY BY FATHER VASILI DUBEE - 10/18/15 Father Vasili Dubee served his First Divine Liturgy assited by Father John Kowalczyk and Protodeacon Gabe Petorak. He was presented a Paschal Set of Vestments on behalf of our Church who sponsored Father Vasili at St Tikhons Seminary. His family honored him at a Dinner in St Michaels Center afterwards. (64 images) DEACON VASILI DUBEE ORDAINED TO THE HOLY PRIESTHOOD
FATHER VASILI DUBEE ORDAINED BY ARCHBISHOP MARK - 10/09/15 Father Deacon Vasili Dubee was Ordained to the Holy Priesthood at St Tikhon's Monastery and on the Feast Day of St Tikhon. His Eminence, Archbishop Mark was assised by Monastery Clergy and Archpriest John Kowalczyk of our Church. Father Dubee was ordained Deacon in November of 2014 and served his Internship here at St Michael's Church. His First Solemn Divine Liturgy will be served by himself on October 18th at our Church. May God Grant Him and His Family Many Many Blessed Years!!! (36 images) CAR SHOW AND CHRISTMAS IN SEPT.
FINAL DAY AND AWARDING OF TROPHIES - 09/27/15 Our 3 Day Christmas in September and Car Show came to an end. The beautiful Fall weather attracted many from near and far. The Car Show also had more vehicles than last year. Everyone had a great time and looking forward to next year! His Eminence Archbishop Mark also attended and Offered Inspiring Words and gave his Blessing .
ST MICHAEL'S ORTHODOX CHURCH Thanks Everyone for Their Support and Patronage!!!!!!!!!! (96 images) 2015 CHRISTMAS IN SEPTEMBER FIRST DAY
HUGE CROWD ATTENDED - 09/25/15 Our Annual Christmas in September opened and was attended by hundreds during the evening. The Faith Liuzzo Dancers also presented awesome dancing. Over 100 Chineese Auction Prizes will be given away on Sunday. (68 images) AUGUST BREAKFAST
ST MARYS ALTAR SOCIETY SPONSORS FUNDRAISRER - 08/16/15 St Mary's Altar Society sponsored the breakfast which followed Divine Liturgy. (34 images) SEPTEMBER FUNDRAISER FLYERS
EVENT IS SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 25TH,26TH AND 27TH - 06/11/15 The Committee met and furthered plans for the September fundraiser. (1 images) PENTECOST SUNDAY
DIVINE LITURGY AND KNEELING PRAYERS - 05/31/15 Holy Pentecost was observed in our Church with Divine Liturgy and the Kneeling Prayers. Father John Kowalczyk was assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak , Father Deacon Vasily Dubee and Subdeacon Vasily Gardecki along with Reader Vladimir Kitchura and the Altar Servers. (54 images) ST TIKHON'S MONASTERY
MEMORIAL DAY PILGRIMAGE - 05/25/15 The Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage was held this date at St Tikhon's Monastery South Canaan. The Iveron Myrrbearing Icon of the Mother of God was also present for Veneration and Annointing with Holy Oil. His Beautitude Metropolitan Tikhon served the Divine Liturgy with visiting Hierarchs and Clergy. (44 images) CHURCH COUNCIL INSTALLATION
FATHER JOHN GIVES OATH OF OFFICE - 04/26/15 Our 2015 Church Council was Installed this morning by Father John. (18 images) PASCHAL DIVINE LITURGY
CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! - 04/12/15 Divine Liturgy followed by distribution of Red Eggs and Blessing of Baskets. (90 images) PALM SUNDAY
BLESSING OF PALMS AND WILLOW BRANCHES - 04/05/15 Entrance of OurLord and Saviour Jesus Christ was observed in our Church with Blessing and Distribution of Palms and Willow Branches. (41 images) LAZARUS SATURDAY
CHILDRENS COMMUNION AND BREAKFAST - 04/04/15 Our children received the Holy Mysteries and were treated to a Lenten Breakfast afterwards. (15 images) PASCHA BREAD BAKING PROJECT
CREW MADE OVER 805 LOAVES OF BREAD - 03/30/15 Protodeacon Gabe Petorak and George Petorak along with their crew made over 801 loaves of Paska and Regular Loaves of Bread. (22 images) HIERARCHIAL MISSION SERVICE
HIS GRACE RT REV DAVID OF ALASKA VISITS - 03/22/15 Our Parish hosted the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent Deanery Mission Service. His Grace, Rt Rev David,Bishop of Sitka and All Alaska was the main Celebrant along with Deanery Clergy. His Grace also delivered a very inspiring Homily. Following the Service, a bountiful Lenten Meal was served by our St Mary's Altar Society and afterwards the Clergy were invited to the Rectory. (59 images) EVENING PRE SANCTIFIED LITURGY
ST TIKHONS SEMINARIANS VISIT AND SING RESPONSES - 03/18/15 St Tikhons Seminarians visited our Church and sang the responses during the evening Pre Saanctified Liturgy. The Liturgy was served by Father John Kowalczyk,pastor; Archrpriest Dennis Swencki assisted by Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak and Deacon Vasily Dubee. Archpriest Daniel Geeza was in the Altar praying. The Choir was accomapnied by Very Rev Stephen Voytovich, Seminary Dean. A bountiful Lenten Luncheon was served afterwards. A check was also presented to the Choir. (55 images) LENTEN FOOD SALE
SECOND ANNUAL ETHNIC FOOD SALE - 03/06/15 Father Gabe and his crew working hard preparing pierogies,halushki and clam chowder. Many deliveries to businesses and homes were completed as well as pickups at St Michaels Center. (11 images) BLINI BREAKFAST
ANNUAL BLINI BREAKFAST HELD DESPITE SNOWSTORM - 03/01/15 Our Annual Blini Breakfast Was held despite the snowstorm. St Mary's Society sponsored the fundraiser. (11 images) RIGHT TO LIFE MARCH 2015
WASHINGTON DC ANNUAL MARCH FOR LIFE - 01/22/15 The Orthodox Church in America along with students from St Tikhons Seminary participated in the March for Life March in Washington DC. Both Father John and Matushka Cathy were among the particpants. Photos are taken from the OCA website and Facebook Page. (24 images) THEOPHANY EVE HOLY SUPPER
BISHOP MARK WAS GUEST OF HONOR - 01/05/15 Our Annual Theophany Eve Holy Supper was held following Complines at our Church Hall. His Grace, Rt Rev Bishop Mark was guest of Honor. Protodeacon Gabe Petorak and his Staff prepared and served the 12 Lenten Dish Supper . (24 images) QUICK TO HEAR ICON VISITS OUR CHURCH
ABOTT SERGIUS ACCOMPANIES MIRACULOUS ICON - 11/23/14 The Miraculous Wonderworking Icon Quick to Hear was in our Church today accompanied by Abott Sergius of st Tikhon's Monastery. Father Sergius gave an Inspiring Homily and served the Divine Liturgy along with Father John Kowalczyk, Protodeacon Gabe Petorak and newly Ordained Deacon Vasily Dubee. Our St Mary's Society served a Lenten Breakfast afterwards. (60 images) BISHOP MARK ORDAINS SUBDEACON VASILY DUBEE TO DIACONATE
READER VASILY DUBEE ORDAINED SUBDEACON AND DEACON - 11/09/14 His Grace, Rt Rev Mark made a visit to our Church on Sunday. He ordained Reader Vasily Dubee to the Subdiaconate and to the Holy Diaconate. Also Reader Valdimir Kitchura was Blessed to wear the Orarion and serve as a Subdeacon. Vladyka also presented St Mary's Society with a Diocesan Gramota on their 80th Anniversary.. A buffet dinner followed in our Church Center. (93 images) TROPHIES FOR THE WINNERS
THE SECOND DAY OF THE CHRISTMAS IN SEPTEMBER WEKEND - 09/27/14 The Second Day of our Christmas in September was very successful. (43 images) CHRISTMAS IN SEPTEMBER 2014 SUNDAY
2014 COMMITTEE PHOTO - 07/27/14 Annual fundraiser set for September 26th,27th and 28th at St Michaels Center on Delaware Street. (1 images) |