St. Michael's in Jermyn Liturgy and Reception for Summer Interns - 08/25/19
MICHAEL'S ORTHODOX CHURCH IN JERMYN, PA, celebrated Liturgy, followed by a Reception, for our Summer Interns from St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, on August 25, 2019, their final day serving at St. Michael's in Jermyn prior to the start of the fall semester.
Photos include: Seminarian Peter Simko reading the Hours; Seminarian James Latimer directing the Choir; Seminarian Matthew McDonald blessed by Father John Kowalczyk in thanks for serving in the Altar; Seminarian Peter Simko awarded a stipend from the Church in gratitude for conducting the Choir for Liturgies and rehearsals; Seminarian James Latimer awarded a stipend from the Church in gratitude for conducting the Choir for Liturgies and rehearsals; George Petorak and Father John Kowalczyk presenting an Icon to Altar Server Patrick Krenitsky who is leaving to serve in the U.S. military; Father John Kowalczyk assisted by Seminarian Matthew McDonald leading prayer for safe travel as frequent guest parishioner Yelena travels to her home in Moscow, Russia; the Cake at the Reception; Seminarian James Latimer cuting the cake at the Reception; Father John Kowalczyk, Seminarians, Parishioners, and guests at the Reception; George Petorak and Seminarian Peter Simko presenting a cupcake to Seminarian James Latimer who celebrated his Birthday on August 25, 2019, in conjunction with the final day with our summer Interns from STOTS.
(Photos by Vladimir Kitchura)