Vol. 1 No. 3 August 10, 2008
Fundraising Events
Centennial Breakfast - We had our first Centennial breakfast on July 27th. It was a huge success and we thank our hostesses - Maryann, Valentina, and Lydia and our host - John for an excellent meal. We had a terrific showing and we’re hoping even more people will show up for the next one. The dates for the remaining breakfasts/lunches this year are as follows: Aug. 17, Sept. 7, Oct. 26, and Nov. 23. Please join us! The cost of each of these breakfasts/lunches is $5.00 for adults!
Concert - On October 19th there will be a concert in St. Michael’s Church at 6:00 P.M. given by the Spirit of Orthodoxy Choir followed by a buffet reception at St. Michael’s Center on 403 Delaware Street. This group, directed by Aleksei V. Shipovalnikov, is in its 11th year of spreading the spirit and messages of Orthodoxy. The choir cosists of singers and choir directors from various Othodox jurisdictions in the NJ-NY-PA area. This promises to be a spiritually uplifting and musically rewarding evening. The cost of the concert/reception is $10.00. Tickets will be available beforehand or at the door.
Jewelry – Kathy Savo's hand-made jewelry items are available in our display cases downstairs. She is donating the proceeds from the sale of this jewelry to St. Michael's Centennial Fund. Stop by to see her beautiful creations and to purchase some for yourself or for someone special.
Thanks to all who participated in or donated to all of our fundraising events!!
Joe Jr.’s Pizza & Grandma Corbi’s Cookie Sale –We took in a total of $559.00 for our Centennial Fund from the second sale of Corbi products. We hope you're all enjoying them!
First Centennial Breakfast – We raised a total of $380.00 for our Centennial Fund. It was suggested that we raise the price of the breakfasts. Instead of doing that, we will keep the price of the breakfast at $5.00 for adults but we would ask that you consider donating a few extra dollars at the next breakfast.
Meeting dates for Centennial Chairpeople – Aug. 10, Sept. 14, Oct. 5, Nov. 16, and Dec. 7. Anyone is welcome and urged to attend! We still need volunteers for all of the committees.