St. Michael’s Orthodox Church
308 Walnut St.
Jermyn, Pennsylvania 18433
Very Rev. John Kowalczyk Phone: 876-1241 – Cell: 561-8696 Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak Phone: 876-0411 (Diocesan Website) Sub-Deacon Vasili Gardecki: 267-6239 Reader Vasili Dubee: 254-9720 Church Website:
Joseph Krenitsky (President) Phone: 876-2770
Prof. Oleg Beljaeff: 876-5236 Reader Vladimir Kitchura: 903-3475 Reader Greg Bertholf: 282-6268 George Petorak Manager: 876-0377 St. Michael’s Center: 876-3454
Gospel: John 1:1-17 |
Easter, May 1st, 2016 |
Epistle: Acts 1:1-8 |
Holy Pascha - Christ is Risen! |
Schedule of Services for Bright Week
Pascha (Easter) May 1st, Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. followed by Blessing of Easter Baskets,
Paschal Vespers 6:30 p.m.
Bright Monday, May 2nd, Paschal Divine Liturgy 9:00 a.m. followed by Procession and reading of Resurrection Gospels.
Saturday, May 7th, Great Vespers 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 8th, Matins 8:00 a.m., Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. (Mother’s Day)
Mother’s Day Celebration will be held next Sunday, May 8th, Please submit the names of your Mothers to be included in the Divine Liturgy. Mother’s Day flowers will be given to all the women of our Parish, by St. Mary’s Altar Society.
A Special Thank You: to Steve and Martha Myshak; in addition to donating the three remaining Stained Glass Windows on the first level of our Church Addition, they are also donating a Stained Glass Door in the Confessional Room. Baut Studios has been commissioned to compete this project and the work will take 6-8 Weeks to complete. May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless Steve and Martha Myshak for many blessed years of good health and salvation for this generous offering to our Church.
A Special Thank You to Protodeacon Gabriel Petorak and his staff in setting up the beautiful Grave of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and getting our Church ready for the Paschal Celebrations.
St. Michael’s Center and all the hard workers thank all of you for your support this year for the Ethnic Food and the Easter Sales for our Pascha Bread and Holiday Rolls. A full report will be submitted of our proceeds. May our Risen Lord Bless all of you for your support!
Mother’s Day Chicken BBQ will be held next Sunday, May 8th at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Dundaff at Noon. We thank you for your support of our sister Church.
Bright Saturday Divine Liturgy will be celebrated this Saturday, May 7th, at 9:00 a.m. for the Feast of St. Alexis at the Holy Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Archbishop Mark and the deanery clergy will be participating.
Bright Wednesday, May 4th, Resurrection Healing Service will be held at St. George’s Orthodox Church, Keyser Ave. in Taylor, Pa. at 6:00 p.m.
Special Donations: $100.00 for Easter Flowers in memory of the newly departed John Deak and all departed members of the Deak and Jubinski families, offered by Peter and Sarah Jubinski. $25.00 Easter Flowers for the health and peace of the Grancey & Schlasta Families. $10.00 Easter Candles for the continued health of Rebecca, Chris, Sarah, Sofia and Karina Goetter.
Renovating Project Goal was set at $25,000 for the repair and replacement necessary at the Church Rectory and the Choir Director's Rectory. Please use the envelopes provided for you located in the Vestibule.
Hospitality a la Russe featuring Traditional Russian Cuisine with the Kauriga Balalaika Orchestra will be held on Sunday, May 15th at St. John’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Mayfield. 3:30 p.m. reception & Russian table, and Theme Basket drawing. Please contact Kay Fedirko for the RSVP.
Please remember in your prayers: Olga Sviatko and Michael Klaptach who are guests at the Wayne Woodlands Manor, in Waymart. Ann Butler is a guest at Elm Croft Mid-Valley, 89 Sturges Rd., Peckville, PA 18452, and Andrew Petrilak is a new guest at the Carbondale Nursing Home, 10 Hart Pl., Carbondale, PA 18407.
March Income: $9,941.00; Expense: $7,490.95 +$2,450.05
Hostesses: Sunday, May 1st, (Easter); Sunday, May 8th: Eileen Brzuchalski, Maryann Dubee, Kay Fedirko; May 15th: Annabel Franchak, Helen Grancey, Matushka Kathy Kowalczyk; May 22nd: Ruth Lasichak, Joan Lasichak, Vicky Kravetsky; May 29th: Theresa Krenitsky, Irene Kiehart, Mary Mathena.