Blessing of the Icon,Divine Liturgy and Prayers with Veneration - 08/19/07

The copy of the Pochaev Icon was presented to the church by Protodeacon Gabriel and Marushka Petorak in Honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary celebrated this past May. Protodeacon Gabriel and Seminarian Vasili Dubee brought the Icon from the Pochaev Monastery in the Ukraine during a visit there. They also venerated the relics of St. Job of Pochaev.
Fr Michael Dahulich Censing the Icon
Great Litany
Epistle Reading
Protodeacon Gabriel reading the Gospel Lesson
Father Kowalczyk gives the Homily
O Lord, I Beleive and Confess ...
Receive the Body of Christ..
Father John reads a Prayer before the Pochaev Icon
Kay Fedirko presents a check to Father Michael for the Scholarship Fund
Veneration of the Cross and Pochaev Icon
Professor sings during the Veneration